Phone Number 818.519.8357
Address 2945 Townsgate Rd., #300
Westlake Village, CA 91361
150 S Rodeo Dr. Suite #100,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
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    Open Houses to Do or Not to Do?

    Open Houses photo

    The professional real estate community is often split on whether an open house is beneficial to the seller. Our team believes a properly planned open house is not only beneficial, but it may also very well sell the home. Our team has sold several homes at an open house and we will share our success stories with you. Why would an agent want to restrict market exposure for a listing? Common sense says it’s smart to expose your home to the largest number of buyers, and getting buyers inside to preview a home is exactly what we believe is needed. Perhaps some agents don’t want to spend their weekend attending an open house. We feel it is a disservice not to hold open houses for our sellers.

    If an open house is done properly, there is a great chance it will sell a home. In addition, we personally invite neighbors to a “preview” open house. We understand neighbors already enjoy the neighborhood, and that’s why they live there. What better way to enjoy your neighbor than to help sellers find them? We have a successful open house plan, let us share it with you.

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